Summer Program 2024

For our live Classes learning solution only


Loaded with fun learning activities to make your child’s summer a season of growth and discovery! 
  • Get Ahead: Start the school year with a head start on curriculum.

  • Confidence Boost: Feel more prepared and confident in class.

  • Smooth Transition: Ease into the upcoming school workload.

  • Personalized Learning: Receive focused attention in smaller summer classes.

  • Review and Reinforce: Solidify knowledge from the previous year.

  • More time: Free up time during the school year for extracurricular activities.

  • Reduced Stress: Feel less overwhelmed when the school year begins

  • Flexible Schedule: Our lessons can be accessed anytime and anywhere around the globle!

Registration for the summer program is now CLOSED
Check out our 

Fall & Winter Program

What's included?

Each cycle includes:
  • 9 online interactive classes for grades 5, 6, and 7 and 10 online interactive classes for grades 8 and 9.
  • Full access to the course materials for the full upcoming academic year!

  • 9 Slideshows FREE to download - Value @ $44.91

  • 70+  Learning resources to meet various learning needs

  • 9 short quizzes and 1 cumulative assessment 

  • Small class size to ensure personalization of instruction

  • Unlimited access to a BC certified teacher

  • Online activities including: videos, animations, simulations, online games, virtual labs, etc..  


By enrolling your child in our program, they will not only enjoy engaging classes and valuable learning resources, but they will also receive full access to all course materials for the upcoming academic year! These materials can be utilized for revision and to support their learning in their mainstream schools or in their home learning. 


2 Cycles of study offered, 3 weeks each, total of 9 classes per cycle

Classes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Grade 5: 9-10am PST
  • Grade 6: 10-11am PST
  • Grade 7: 11:30am - 12:30pm PST

GRADES 8 & 9

1 Cycle offered for 5 weeks, total of 10 classes

Class every Tuesday and Thursday
  • Grade 8: 9 - 10 am PST
  • Grade 9: 10-11 am PST
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Contact details

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Hours of operation
Monday - Friday 9.00 - 19.00
Saturday/Sunday 9:00 - 16:00

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